February 15, 2007
Today was a snow day. Damien was sent home from work, actually he never needed to go in but didn't check his e-mail in time. No harm, he just walked back home.
We enjoyed a Valentine's day breakfast - heart shaped pancakes with strawberry sauce. No lunch date as planned just the whole day spent doing stuff we haven't seemed to have time to get done. For the better part of the day the kids and & cleaned the upstairs. In the afternoon they spent a couple hours outside playing on the snowmound our neighbor has created over the season with his snowblower. They came in all rosy cheeked and excited about the tunnels and dens they were creating. During that time I put up my soap shelf. This is a much better solution than boxes all over our bedroom. I attempted making my first lip balm this morning but it doesn't soak in as well as Burt's Bees. All natural, easy to make not to mention super cheap so I'll be doing more experimenting to perfect the recipe.
I have always thought I would like to make soap, but I have never tried it. Is it really that easy and cheap to do? How long does it take? Is Damien able to use it with his excema? I think I would like to make soap with coconut oil. Can you make glycerine soap? Do you put flower petals in your soaps?
Soap is fairly easy and inexpensive to make. Once you find bulk sources for your base ingredients it's the essential oils and additives that are the most costly part. The trickiest part is that you must use a good scale since all ingredients need to be precisely weighed. There are many books on soapmaking that give step by step details. So far my soap does not seem to bother Damien's skin. My most recent batch is specifically formulated with oatmeal and calendula flower infused olive oil and petals for sensitive & baby skin. I didn't add any essential oils so there is no added fragrance. Coconut oil is used in many homemade soaps. I've used coconut oil in most of my soap and lots in the lip balm. I haven't made glycerin soaps and yes I put flower petals in my soap - so far only caledula flower.
I was just wondering if you have any recipes for soap that don't have Olive oil in it? I love your soap and tried it without looking at the ing. and ended up with huge hives all over my body. I am very alleregic to olives....
Not currently, but I'm sure you can make it without. So far I've used olive oil in all my soaps. Unless you are allergic, like yourself, it's very good for the skin.
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melanie on Feb. 15, 2007, 5:26 p.m.
Hi Renee:
The soap rack looks good. I have recently started using your lavender and calendula soap bar and I love it. It smells so good! Thanks again for sending the soap our way.
With your lip balm, what do you store it in to use it???
renee on Feb. 26, 2007, 9:31 p.m.
I re-use all our store bought lip balm and lotion containers.