Skiing ~ Up, Down & Through The Woods

Post four of five in my Ski Week series.

You know me, I can't keep my mouth shut so the past two "photo" posts (getting there and back and to the mountains we go) in my week of skiing have had their fair share of words. Which of course means the writing I was supposed to be doing is still on hold. I have to laugh at myself. If I don't, I'll cry at my lack of shut-my-mouth discipline.

In my defense, this weekend I'm also on a three day ski vacation with my family and decided to sleep in and give my ski weary body a rest in the mornings instead of getting up early to write. Priorities people. Priorities.

I did manage to do some writing yesterday afternoon so those promised posts will be coming. Eventually.

But right now life is about the skiing.

Happy Weekending to you all. What are you up to this weekend?

Filed Under

« Skiing ~ To The Mountains We Go
Skiing ~ It's Cold Out There »
  • Michelle

    Michelle on Jan. 21, 2012, 2:04 p.m.

    Beautiful! I like your words. Keep them coming. One question. How can Damien's legs be warm enough in those,... whatever they are? Is it warm there or are those some fancy schmancy ski pants? We were -40 all week with the windchill and are really looking forward to getting outside!!


    • renee

      renee on Jan. 22, 2012, 12:32 p.m.

      They are tights. We use various thicknesses of wool and synthetic tights for our outdoor acvitity. We're testing a bunch for an article we're writing for Backpacking Light. But I digress... The amount of insulation you need (puffy ski pants & jackets) is directly proportional to how hard you are working. When you're constantly moving your legs you don't need as much insulation. Then we you stop you do. We take extra insulating layers for when we stop to eat lunch, etc. I could go into the whole layering system philosophy, but I won't (smile). But my husband sure has nice legs, doesn't he?


  • Karen

    Karen on Jan. 21, 2012, 6:53 p.m.

    Cooking - for dinner guests. Cleaning - just the basics. Running - Sunday long run with friends - this is the motivating carrot for the first two.

    Look at all that snow!!! So happy for your fun.


  • Kathleen

    Kathleen on Jan. 21, 2012, 8:09 p.m.

    I am a huge fan of cross-country skiing (I did it a lot with my family growing up and having wonderful memories of skiing with my mom especially). I find it to be so meditative and soul-enriching while also being great exercise. Now I live in the desert with little opportunity for thanks for posting this series. I've loved the photos and your accompanying words.


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