Reading with my boy

His sisters were downstairs in the living room. One asleep, taking an unexpected afternoon nap on the couch. The other cruising her way through a chapter book, thoroughly engrossed.

But he and I were snuggled together on my bed. Reading about snakes, weasels and stone wall dragons. I love this boy.


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  • nicola

    nicola on June 8, 2009, 7:05 p.m.

    my mom is a librarian. books have always played a prominent role in my life. some of my fondest memories come from snuggling up with one of parents (often my mom) and brother and being read to. we both read on our own, too, as we got older, but i loved our group chapter book readings. i still remember some of the books we read! reading is now such a joy with my daughter. and i love that my son is now getting just old enough to be showing an interest! nicola

    nicola's last blog post... color week....a little


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