on our the street

Our neighbor, who I've never met till 15 minutes ago, just finished snow blowing the end of our driveway. We've shoveled a couple times during today's storm but the city plowed our driveway shut so to speak. So our neighbor is out at 10pm snow blowing his way down the street to free all the neighborhood cars. What a great place to live - right here on this street. It's sometimes noisy late on summer evenings (our next door neighbors ride Harleys), but these same folks watch our cat while we're gone and show many small kindnesses to our inquisitive children. Yes, the street sometime smells like greasy fries now that Old Orchard Beach pizza moved it on the corner but it's a street that people walk down on their way to get ice cream in the summer or to post a letter in the corner mailbox, or to snow blow their neighbor's drive.

« In between space & the Christmas that proceeded it
End of Christmas »
  • rich

    rich on Jan. 2, 2008, 12:54 p.m.

    nice nothing like the sound of an approaching snowblower when you're facing a mountain of back breaking snow..


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