In between space & the Christmas that proceeded it

Life is in between right now. Christmas traveling and celebrating are over. The New Year is yet to come. Officially it starts tomorrow but for me I won't be ready to start the winter routine till next Monday. Damien is off work till Wednesday. We've had some lovely relaxing and yet productive days at home. Damien has spent lots of time with the kids, worked on misc. home repair and researched "stuff". I've updated photo albums, cleaned up the tree, played games with the kids, shoveled the driveway a couple times and generally taken it easier than usual. We've listening to new music, burned the advent candles down and prepared easy meals.

Our Christmas trip to Nova Scotia was wonderful. If you're a "friend" you can see the photos I posted in a Facebook album. We're getting used to the 12 hour (with pit stops) drive and brought books on CD to help pass the time. These past days we've been finishing listening to The Sea of Trolls, a delightful historical fantasy.

Back to our trip... we stayed an extra day due to foul weather and I probably loved that day the most. I stacked wood in the ice pellet snow storm for hours with my brother, father, son & husband - the most important men in my life. (No offense mom - I loved my time in the kitchen with you but that happens every time we're together!) That time spent working with "the men" was my best Christmas present, and it left me exhausted, cold, wet & hungry. Which was downright refreshing after all the indulgences of Christmas.

It was wonderful to be with my whole family for Christmas at my parent's new home. The home they moved to in part to be closer to their eastern children & grandchildren. My mom outdid herself with food & provisions for the whole gang. Dad kept us warm and cozy with an indoor wood stove, a fireplace and outdoor wood stove. The kids had a blast and I'm sure will have memories like mine of spending Christmas with cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents. All together for days of feasting, singing, games, a little stir craziness and sharing in the few frustrations (kids don't remember those) and the many joys of being together.

So, now we're back home taking it easy for New Years. The kids were tired from our time on the hill this afternoon and fell asleep quick. I'm tired also from our sledding and am looking forward to a much earlier than 12am bedtime. Brad & Dawna will be through in a couple days on their way home from my parents. We'll have a bit more time together & hopefully some card playing and then the in between time will be over and the New Year will start. Till then I'll enjoy this space and try to keep the thoughts of household routines and school goals at arms length.

Happy In Between Time everyone!

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on our the street »

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