November's Garden

It's been wicked blustery these early days of November. This morning the sun is out in full force but we've had days with driving rain and ferocious winds. It's been cozy actually before bedtime to hear the wind howling outside while we snuggle together. I'm trying to imagine backpacking in such weather but I just can't. Guess I'm not hardcore enough yet.

Gardening season is definitely over but there are a few hold outs, even after all these stormy days. This pretty rose kale (above) I grew just for this purpose, to look pretty come fall.

I have several "bushes" of these chrysanthemums around the yard in various perennial beds. These beauties bloom till late November and for that I am very grateful (we're still bringing garden bouquets indoors).

This is the kale we've been eating this summer. It's my wonder plant.

These plants grew from last summer's kale crop gone-to-seed. They came up very early this spring as wee sprouts and have been going full force ever since. During the summer months of our farm share I didn't harvest much because we were inundated with farm greens. But now that the farm season is over we have been eating our garden kale once a week and it's still going strong. Yay for kale! 

And these lovelies are the autumn blooms from my beautiful hydrangea. The same plant that gave me these blossoms earlier in the summer.

I cut these blossoms in late October for a paper making project (I'll be sharing more of that later). I used a few of the petals and threw the rest in the yard compost. The strong winds have picked them up from that spot and they are now rolling around all over the backyard. Looking very forlorn I might add.

What's going on in your garden this month?

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  • Kelly

    Kelly on Nov. 11, 2010, 3:59 p.m.

    Beautiful! One of my goals for our new home is to plant perennial flowers so that we will have something in bloom through the whole season. I will have to add chrysanthemum and hydrangea to my list! I was surprised and happy to find that my butterfly bushes just bloomed for the second time! So I also have a fragrant bouquet on my lovely in november. :)


  • Naomi

    Naomi on Nov. 11, 2010, 5:53 p.m.

    What lovely colors! I tried growing spinach in my garden this year and was sad because it was turning out so well and then something ate it all when I wasn't looking. My grandfather suspects it was the slugs. I've never liked those things... anyway, you're starting to sound like a Mainer! Wicked, hehe.


  • Natalia

    Natalia on Nov. 12, 2010, 9:55 a.m.

    Those hydrangeas are so beautiful - a fade momento mori if you will.

    Due to the fact we aren't living here for long I have not done much with the garden beds. And our front lawn is now coated with the most delicious looking golden leaves, though they are sure to turn to brown and grey in the coming weeks.


  • Rana

    Rana on Nov. 12, 2010, 5:50 p.m.

    Beautiful flowers. I planted some Kale for the first time and it has a really pretty purple hue to it. My mums are hanging in there. It's getting colder so I'm not sure how much longer they will last.


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