My Girls (& a Boy)

I'm getting ready to spend three days away with my firstborn. The getting ready part is packing our house so I can be gone for a few days and still meet next weekend's moving deadline.  

Going away and leaving the rest of the crew at home is a pretty big deal in our family. (We can't wait.)

PS. If these photos look "poppier", brighter, or more constrasty to you, that's because they are. I got a new computer recently (yipee) and we upgraded our photo software. I am adjusting to the new software and my new glossy monitor and not getting quite the look I want.

And to add insult to injury (or rather the other way around, as this is really aggravating) all the colors on the photos we transferred from my old computer aren't coming true in my new software. 

These are the joys of digital photography.

Actually these (loves of my life) are the joys are digital photography.

Filed Under

« Building a Small Space Homeschool Library
Weekend Chai (in photos) »
  • Kika

    Kika on May 19, 2012, 5:13 p.m.

    They (your kiddos) are beautiful! Your photos too - even if you notice the changes in color and quality. I wish you and Celine a wonderful three days away. Such a gift. My girls and I are going to see my sisters (and their babies) for a few days at the end of the month. This will be the first girls-only trip for us and we are all looking forward to it.


  • Jason Elsworth

    Jason Elsworth on May 20, 2012, 4:51 a.m.

    I really liked your lower saturation and lower contrast look. It was a real signature of your excellent photography. Digital image processing can be really frustrating and the standard monitors that come with most PCs are not always ideal for photography work.


    • renee

      renee on May 20, 2012, 11:40 a.m.

      Thanks Jason. You know exactly what I'm talking about! My new computer is a MacBook Pro and the monitor is not the best for photo editing. I still have my big monitor that I hope to do most of my editing with but I needed a more portable computer for our lifestyle. Trying to figure out how to do this and still get the photos to look they way I want them to. This post, with all the red and pinks is especially contrasty. I cringe.   


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