missing the creative me

I've missed my creative self over the past week. Without my daily time to write, look over photos and put my thoughts together here on this blog I feel like my life starts to unravel a bit.

{photo credit: Brienne Tougas}

I wonder if this is a bad thing; my dependence on a daily computer creative time. But when I write, edit and order my thoughts I feel a release of all that whirs around in my head. And my daily download of photos helps me see the beauty in the chaotic and busy moments of our homeschooling days. Inexplicably, putting it all together - the words and pictures on this blog - brings coherence to my days.

I can look at this blog and say to myself "here, look what you accomplished, isn't it beautiful", irregardless of the dirty dishes on the kitchen counter, toothpaste spit in the sink (from yesterday) and yarn, paper, fabric, scissors and books scattered all over the floor.

During this past week of losing my father-in-law and the change that has brought to our daily routine I find myself floundering creatively. Giving to my children (hopefully) everything they need hasn't left a lot of time for writing, photos and blogging. That's the way it goes sometimes but I'm hoping I can soon start to breathe a little deeper and fill my well before it runs dry.

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« Grieving, writing, remembering
small notebook, small world »
  • Wayfaring Wanderer

    Wayfaring Wanderer on March 27, 2009, 1:45 p.m.

    Joel Salatin talked extensively about periodic disruption. Period disruption it something we all (humans and the land) go through and although it is difficult at the time, afterward, were are able to move forward where we begin to heal. Healing will only occur through periodic disruption.

    Talk about a creative rut. I'm in the thick of it sister!

    Wayfaring Wanderer's last blog post... Brighter Days Ahead


  • kirwin

    kirwin on March 27, 2009, 1:56 p.m.

    I'm very sorry about your father in law. I know your family is hurting, and I feel for you.

    I understand your need for creative time, and how you feel unraveled if you don't get it. Me too. It's a constant struggle with family, home, chores, etc...I push my own needs to the back. I'm working on creating more of a balance, and putting my needs higher on the priority list. My whole family is happier, when I'm happier.

    BTW, I followed you over here from Simple Mom. Great post! I loved it. Thanks.


  • Andie

    Andie on March 27, 2009, 2:04 p.m.

    I totally get what your saying here. I use my blog the same way. A pretty, organized space that I can look at. Take your time, work through the healing. What you wrote in the last post was so beautiful. a.


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