Loving Kindness

Wednesday was a day of blogosphere love and kindness in my world. In the afternoon mail I received a hand crafted card and 5 bookmarks from Kristina at Meadowlark Days as a thank you gift for my recent book giveaway. Kristina, how did you know I have 3 or 4 books on the go and desperately need bookmarks? That was a lovely afternoon surprise.

More kindness from earlier in the morning... when I checked my Google Reader. Something Cheeky posted a cool photo and then went on to talk about the "I love your blog" award she was given by a fellow blogger. As Kirsten started to list the 7 blogs shes loves I was thinking "another lovey link fest" (which I have nothing against). So I scrolled down to read the blog titles. Maybe I'd recognize one or find a new favorite for my reader.

Then hokey-dinah (I seriously talk that way) right there in the list was my blog! I'm not even related to Kirsten! I kid you not, my stomach did a "someone likes my blog" loop-t-do. My husband teases me that it's like a junior high popularity contest. In any case I was flattered.

What was especially sweet is that Kirsten's description next to my blog says "Loving...organically". That someone would get that message from my mumbo-jumbo posts about homeschooling, natural living, gardening, hiking and photography is truly humbling.

One of my desires in writing this blog (other than basic self promotion, let's be honest that's what blogging is about!) is to be authentic as I share ideas that hopefully inspire and encourage. And my desire to inspire is not because "I'm better than" but because we all have experiences and stories to contribute to each others lives. That my blog is described as "loving" was a reassurance that the right message is getting across.

A humble thanks to Kirsten. You can check out for her own inspiring blog and self portrait photo project (man that takes guts and some good photography skills).

So, in the spirit of inspiring and encouraging, with honesty, here are the blogs that I love these days:

InsideOut - If my sister-in-law is anything, she's honest. But she's also intelligient, an amazing SAHM and gorgeous. My brother knows how to pick 'em.

Me Ra Koh Photography- Creative photo assignments, contests and inspirational stories interspersed with family tidbits of a popular photographer.

Wife, Mother, Painter- Encouraging me that I can be a wife, mother and photographer; written with a healthy dose of reality.

Phunny Pharm - Our dear friend and fellow traveler on the Way posting about growing...organically.

Just Pure Lovely - Homeschooling life with a Florida flavor and simply lovely everyday photos.

Playful Learning - Aesthetically pleasing layout of learning projects for kiddos. Complete with book lists and other resources.

ADVENTUREinPROGRESS - Not a prolific blogger by any means but the best life partner, provider, friend, lover, technical support and fellow adventurer this mama could ever ask for.

The rules for this love fest are posted here. But I don't like rules, so participate or don't, as you like.

And because I don't want anyone to feel left out and I've been meaning to post a blog roll for a long time I've added a new sidebar to my front page called NIMBY. Whereas, FIMBY is a blog about the Fun In My Back Yard, NIMBY is the the blogs I visit, Not In My Back Yard.

Clever title, isn't it? I've been thinking for some time about what to title the list which is one reason I haven't posted a blog roll yet. That and I have issues with pleasing people and don't want to hurt anyone's feelings if they aren't on the list of my regular reads. A homeschool mama only has so much time to sit at the computer! So if I've missed you please don't be upset. And not all links are up yet, be patient.

And now I'm tired of my voice, you're tired of my voice. Go read some of the blogs I've listed. I'm taking a little writing break but plan to post some backyard photos in the next couple days, technically it's what my blog is about after all.

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  • Andie

    Andie on Sept. 26, 2008, 5:36 p.m.

    Ha! I love your "Nimby" you are so clever. Thank you so much for the bloggy love my friend. I think your friends description of "Loving organically" is perfection. So, so, so true. Hugs, a.


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous on Sept. 26, 2008, 9:49 p.m.

    I don't blog for self-promotion. I do it to stay in contact with my family and to record our family memories. Maybe you should try doing it for a different reason--I think the results would be nicer.


    • renee

      renee on Sept. 27, 2008, 1:26 a.m.

      Perhaps self promotion was the wrong wording, I was trying to be witty. But obviously that went over like a lead balloon. I'm not interesting in promoting "myself" (although someday I want to promote my photography) but I do want to promote a lifestyle of kindness, examined living, family togetherness, homeschooling, organic gardening, art, photography, beauty, community and many other things. Since those are all a part of me I consider my blog to be somewhat of self promotion. A promotion of my ideas.

      Interestingly enough my blog started as a way to stay in contact with family, all of which live far away. You could go back (4 years worth) and read those early posts, very newsy but kind of boring to anyone else besides family. And no photos to speak of, as I hadn't developed a passion for that yet.

      But now I want to connect with other people as well as family, like the ones I listed in this original post, that encourage, motivate and inspire me. I'd like to be like that when I grow up smile. So, I've been evolving my blog into a place for those ideas to be shared and for me to "self-publish" my writing and photography.

      Be well, Renee


  • Kirsten

    Kirsten on Sept. 27, 2008, 1:51 a.m.

    I'm glad you liked the award! You deserve it! I personally think self-promotion is a great thing...and I think blogs are the perfect place to show the sides of yourself that usually only the closest people in your life ever get the chance to acknowledge. I think the world needs more people who encourage the sharing of creativity...instead of people who fear others accomplishments.


  • Just Pure Lovely

    Just Pure Lovely on Oct. 3, 2008, 4:37 a.m.

    Aw, shucks, Renee, to be on such a wonderfully-populated list! I love blogs, blogging, bloggers, don't you? Well, of course you do, you started NIMBY. WHICH, by the way, is insanely clever.

    I totally got your "self-promotion" comment - it didn't even occur to me you meant anything other than what you meant! :)

    Thanks for the linky love!



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