Laurent writing letters

Today Laurent decided he wanted to write letters, as in the alphabet letters. He was inspired to do this because we were sending a package to Stosh, my nephew. As I was taping the box up he wanted to write Stosh's name on the side so I showed him the letters and sure enough he copied them onto the side of the box. Mind you they were all out of order and spaced about 3 inches apart and kind of chicken scratchy but there they were.

So, tonight during our "lesson" he wanted to do letters. I have to hold back the perfectionist in me who wants to correct the crossing of the t of the dotting of the i, he's 3 for goodness sake!

The funny thing is that just yesterday he starting expressing interest in writing letters. All on his own. I guess I shouldn't find it funny, that's they way kids are wired to learn.

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  • renee

    renee on Oct. 1, 2004, 3:18 a.m.

    (:idea:) Laurent is going to be writing his own book pretty soon and Celine can be the illustrator. Brienne can decorate them with toothpaste. Love to hear the learning stories. Nana & Papa


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