Last week of winter FIMBY Finds

Here in Maine we will have winter-like days till mid April but Spring officially arrives this Friday and we like to celebrate the seasons around here so I'm saying goodbye to winter this week. Farewell. So long. See you next year.

I'm very uninspired today to write much so it seems a good time to pull together a few good links to share with you.

Mama Speak: I really liked this supply list for getting started with sketching/watercolors and knitting found at Handmade Homeschool. I love it when creating art and beauty seems accessible to the common mama, the one who swears "I can't draw to save my life". Maybe I can draw afterall... And maybe I'll even make a watercolor painting as cheery and whimsical as this.

Homeschool: Honestly, it's unlikely that I'll get motivated to do this. By nighttime I'm tired and just want to knit on the bed while our whole family listens to "Lord of The Rings". Ah... talking about it makes me long for 8pm... But let's say I was motivated then this Globe at Night would be a very cool hands-on homeschool activity.

Likewise, Journey North Spring 2009 is a great seasonal science resource. By reporting their observations the kiddos have a chance to be scientists in action, sharing data with kids all over the continent.

Urban Homestead: My raised bed is currently warming up under old window panes because I intend to plant my first crops early April (remember my yard is still covered with snow & ice). Simple Green Frugal Coop Blog has more information on square foot planting in raised beds and succession planting. Man, I can't wait to start gardening next month!

Neighborhood: I wish we had some of these B-cycles in our city. Greener transportation that's better for your health. Of course until our kids are a bit older I'm not comfortable cycling with them on our non-cyclist friendly streets. Bummer since after watching the video the kiddos said "now that's good!" and "I hope they'll do that here too".

Oh, and if you are feeling sorry for yourself and thinking "wouldn't it be nice to earn more money" (who doesn't think that from time to time) you need to check out how rich you really are. Turns out I'm stinking rich. I always feel so burdened by that realization.

Gallery: Someday I too will be on a tropical beach (a girl can dream) and want to take photos like this. More likely I'll be on the side of a mountain and forget all about these instructions.

For some beauty closer to home how about a spool of thread, one of my recent flickr favs.

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Short on words »
  • Andie

    Andie on March 18, 2009, 8:29 p.m.

    Now this post is just a smorgisborg of useful links for me right now. Thank you!!! I hope spring comes early this year for you. Of course your photographs are divine and the amber light in the last one is breathtaking. xxoo, a.


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