I want to throw my monitor out the window

There ain't anything pretty about this post folks. I'm so frustrated I could cry, in fact I almost am.

Since getting my new computer & monitor a couple months ago I've had nothing but challenges in getting the photos to look right. Turns out there's more to digital photography than good composition and proper exposure. There's also a hefty amount of technology and I hate technical stuff.

This past weekend we got a calibrator for our monitor, I used the money I was saving for a macro attachment, and things have gone from bad to worse. To say I'm disappointed is an understatement.

What's the point of all this? I will be taking a posting break for a time, except for tomorrow's post which is a collaboration of sorts with another blog. How I'll manage to stomach those photos is beyond me. I'm guessing/hoping they'll look better on your monitors because I honestly can't stand to even look at my photos on my monitor, much less post them here. Photography is my art and right now what I'm seeing on my monitor disgusts me. What looked great in my camera on my monitor is too red, too dark, too contrasty, too white, too everything!

I live with a techie so I know we'll sort this out but our time has been limited so it hasn't taken top priority.

How I'm going to manage this week without my daily photography and writing fix is beyond me. Good thing the weather is nice, I'll take my frustration out in the garden. Unfortunately there won't be any pretty pictures to tell those stories.

Oh, why does this digital photography business have to be complicated!

I'll probably tweet a bit more in case you care to follow. Tweets don't have to look pretty.

« Almost ten
My husband saves the day »
  • Tracey Miller

    Tracey Miller on April 13, 2009, 11:52 p.m.

    Hang in there! You are lucky to have in-house tech support. Imagine where you'd be without that! Also, rest assured that even if your photos don't look absolutely perfect to your own eye, they definitely look lovely to your readers (at least to me, anyway!).

    Perhaps blogging about your experience with these issues would be not only personally cathartic but useful to your readers who are in the same (frustrating) boat!


  • Gayle

    Gayle on April 14, 2009, 12:26 a.m.

    Oh, no. That really stinks. Hope your in-house techie sorts it out soon. (I'm now following you on twitter! I'm @planetmfiles)

    Gayle's last blog post... Monday Memories: The Sixth!


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