Happy Birthday... to me

New birthday vestNew birthday vest</span>Last week we celebrated Brienne's birthday and today was my turn. It was a fantastic, celebratory weekend actually. Friday night our whole family volunteered at a Lots to Gardens fundraiser at our local library. The night included a locally grown supper (soups, cheese, breads, dessert) with local musicians - very excellent night connecting with our friends and our community.

Yesterday Damien worked in the tenant's suite and I puttered and cooked soup for a potluck at our house last night. We invited friends over for a potluck and worship night and had a fantastic night sharing God stories, asking hard questions, encouraging each other, worshiping and laughing - lots. We also celebrated with ice cream cake for my birthday.

Today I got to do whatever I wanted. Ahh... what a wonderful gift - thanks Damien. I slept in while Damien prepared rum rice & raisin pudding for breakfast (we're really into the alcohol these days). Then he cleaned up from last night's party while I read, decorated and puttered. I am going simple in Christmas decorating, want it to be joyful not burdensome. I enjoyed a solid hour or so of reading The Glass Castle by Jeanette Walls. We went out for supper as a family and then Damien & I went to a movie, kids stayed at home with a sitter.

Good day and weekend. Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes. I feel super loved and cherished.

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  • melanie

    melanie on Dec. 3, 2007, 6:12 p.m.

    Happy Birthday to you (belated), and dare I ask how young you are? I know you are just a few years older than I??? Sounds like you had a very fun weekend with friends. The birthday day sounds perfect and fun. I like the new vest you got too? Where did you go out for supper?

    Love, Melanie


  • renee

    renee on Dec. 8, 2007, 3:47 a.m.

    I'm 32, I don't mind telling. I usually feel 19, except for being a mother :) We went out to Ruby Tuesday's. We don't usually like chain restaurants but RT has a really good salad bar, although I had a soy burger and broccoli. It was a very nice day.


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