Good bye McDonald's

Two weeks ago we said goodbye to cable and tonight we said goodbye to McDonald's. We don't eat at McDonalds very much to begin with, maybe once every 6 months.

Why the change, the new resolve? Well, we watched the movie Super Size Me tonight. This is on my list of "gotta see" movies. You will NEVER look at a Big Mac or McDonald fries, or the corporation for that matter the same way again. I will warn you the movie has a PG-13 rating for language and sexual content, as well as a graphic medical procedure (gastric bypass surgery). So, I wouldn't recommend it for young children.

Has anyone else seen it? Love to hear your comments.

« Good bye cable
Mr. Personality »
  • renee

    renee on Oct. 17, 2004, 6:55 p.m.

    (:eek:)Renee, we saw Super Size Me last night and I don't think we will ever set foot in a McDonalds again. Not that we ate there much either (maybe once a year or two) But I couldn't believe the study he did and how much weight he gained in just 30 days. It definately was an eye opener to me about how most of society is overweight and diabetic. I would like to read the Fast Food Nation book that was talked about in the extras spot on the DVD.


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