Gone Swimmin'

I've noticed a trend in the blogs I read both in the posts themselves and confessions buried in comments. Burn out, over-work, stress, busy living.

Here's my confession: I am coming off from a month of that myself. Unfortunately, I feel in good company (like I mentioned above). The intensity of jamming all the goodness of summer living into two short months together with usual family and life obligations can lead to summer burn out quick enough.

Been there, done that. Moving on.

Later this week I may have time to write about the busyness, the burn out and melt down. This is a cycle I go through sometimes and I am not immune to the temptations to over-schedule life. But I live and learn.

And I swim. Granted, I don't swim as often as my children would like. They like nothing more than me joining them in the water, however I'm mostly a beach mama with an occasional dip to cool off. 

We had a wonderful time visiting our friends in NH this weekend and they took us somewhere special, an honest-to-goodness secret swimming hole. A little pool made with a small rock dam in a fresh flowing river. Sweet. 

The kids loved it immensely and it has raised the bar significantly for swimming experiences. I think it will be one of those "this is good but nothing like that swimming hole in NH" memories. 

Life has been busy (ok a little crazy) but we're still making memories, eating well and staying healthy. Now I'm ready for a little rest and of course more swimming. 


« Friday's Flowers ~ In My Backyard
Easy Science »
  • Laura

    Laura on July 20, 2010, 2:34 a.m.

    Oh that swimming looks so wonderful! I fear that I may end up not being able to swim at all this summer, what with schedules and the baby and whatnot...I may have to settle for soaking in other people's photos!


  • kyndale

    kyndale on July 20, 2010, 1:35 p.m.

    One of my sons' requests this week is swimming. Although we don't have a secret swimming hole. That looks very nice! Yes, I'm having blog burn-out too. I'm just not that into it anymore. I'm trying to find my inspiration again!


  • Melanie

    Melanie on July 21, 2010, 2:05 p.m.

    Looks fabulous, and I know all to well how easy it is to overschedule and then get stressed too. Is this something that mostly affects women or do men suffer with this too?


    • renee

      renee on July 21, 2010, 7:29 p.m.

      In my limited experience with men (ie: my husband) the tendency to overschedule and get stressed does not affect men. Mind you, my sample size for this scientific inquiry is very small so by no means consider this to be authorative (smile). Quite seriously though what stresses Damien is when I'm stressed. He seems to have a high capacity to juggle multiple things and doesn't struggle with overscheduling (that I am aware of). But what he can't deal with well is a stressed wife. So one of my jobs is to stay sane. It helps him do his job better.


  • Rana

    Rana on July 23, 2010, 12:47 a.m.

    This reminds me of a swimming hole(well lake) we went to this summer in my best friends parents backyard. The kids had a blast and the water was refreshing. I love the photos Renee.


  • Lara

    Lara on July 27, 2010, 3:17 p.m.

    I am not alone! I love how much our posts on summer burnout and swimming holes were alike! I bet your kids will treasure that swimming hole memory forever, and remember that instead of summer burnout. That's what I'm aiming for!


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