FIMBY's new look

I'm not exactly sure how many people read my blog via a reader (does anyone know how to figure that number out?) so I wanted to make an announcement so everyone would know that FIMBY has a logo. I'd be so happy if you decided to check it out (unless you're actually reading this on my site, then just look up).

In case you're feeling particularly lazy and can't even click one measly link to take you to my actual site, here's what the logo looks like:

A little note about the slug photo. Today Laurent, my 8 year old, wrote a post for his blog (part of the FIMBY family) about slugs. If you follow my tweets/fb status updates you might remember that last week our slugs laid eggs and I even did babysitting duty for a little fellow/gal named Peanut Butter while the jars were being cleaned. Anyway, you need to go read his post all about slugs.

And in case you're wondering about my garden loyalties you can be sure that once the slugs are returned to their "wild" habitat they are fair game for my Sluggo non-toxic/natural/pet friendly treatment. It's ironic I know. The boy studies nature and his mama tries to bend it to her will!

But, back to my logo. As simple as the design is it's been in the works for a couple months because you have no idea how many ways there are to imagine and design a flower!

I am so happy that I was able to enlist friend, neighbor & graphic artist <a href=">Tracey Miller</a> to help me. She's a professional after all so she had no problem taking my "on-paper" idea and converting it to a graphic image I can use.

Because the above picture (taken by Laurent) isn't the most "visually appealing" means of demonstrating my new logo, how about this one:

This photo also shows up in one of the current banners. If you haven't noticed I'm banner happy. I like to add a new one to the mix every week or so - just to keep things fun!

If you do decide to check out the new logo on FIMBY, take a peek at the new blocks also in the sidebar. And a little reminder that each separate section on my blog Mama Speak, Homeschool, Urban Homestead, and Neighborhood has it's own unique sidebar with links & resources you might find helpful.

« Future unknown
The Earth Day Compost Heap »
  • kirwin

    kirwin on April 20, 2009, 9:52 p.m.

    I love the new look! I want to change mine up a bit, and I'm thinking of leaving Blogger...but I don't have a lot of blogging-know-how, and am nervous to make changes.

    I love the new header and the side bar. (thanks to linking to my vegan recipes, BTW!)


  • nicola

    nicola on April 21, 2009, 3:59 p.m.

    i LOVE the new header. i go through a reader (love that discovery), but when there is a new post, i click through. i love your blog. i can relate to so much, but nothing you write about, nor the way you write, makes me feel like i should be something more or differently in my own life. i mean that as a compliment! nicola

    nicola's last blog post... man made versus natural and more diapering obsession


    • renee

      renee on April 22, 2009, 11:29 a.m.

      Nicola, That was a very nice compliment. That comment means a lot to me. I certainly have strong convictions about how to live and ideals that I often fall short of myself. But I don't want to preach at people or make people feel inadequate or insecure. I want to share the joy, beauty, creativity and journey that is my life as a mother, homemaker and wife.


  • Shawna

    Shawna on April 22, 2009, 3:50 a.m.

    very nice. i have to say i'm too lazy or too uncreative to spend the time personalizing my blog. it sure would be nice to have a header, though! (yes, i leave my christmas decorations up through march.)

    ps my google reader says you have 4 subscribers, but that's just google, there are tons of reader engines.


  • Andie

    Andie on April 22, 2009, 3:18 p.m.

    The minute I clicked over and saw the new header I was in looove. So cute and fresh! Loved the flower bit dotting the i.

    Oh and the two big blog readers are and Subscribe to your own blog feed and there is a button that will show you the blog stats. I just checked for you though since I have you subscribed and you have 24 subscribers on google and 8 on bloglines.

    xxoo, a.


  • Jamie

    Jamie on April 22, 2009, 10:29 p.m.

    This is a great logo Renee! Very fresh & friendly. As I was reading through your post about the slugs all I could think about was how my husband was researching safe ways to get the slugs out of his garden. I was glad to see later in the post that you have the same intentions and will pass the link onto him. Thanks!

    Jamie's last blog post... ALOHA!!


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