FIMBY Spring Housekeeping

I've noticed a few new names commenting as of late so I'm going to assume I may have new readers, or maybe just folks coming out of lurkdom (I lurk on other blogs also, so I understand). If you are new here, or been reading awhile, I want to show you around a bit and point out areas that have been updated recently.


Everything I write about falls under five general categories. These headings have evolved over the years and my current list looks like this:

  • Mama Speak - family life at home, photography, personal thoughts, growing as a mama
  • Homeschool - everything to do with how we homeschool
  • Creative Homestead - homemaking, soapmaking, gardening & herbs with an emphasis on creativity and handmade
  • Beyond My Back Yard - local life, the farm, being a part of global community, adventuring
  • The View - book reviews, giveaways, answer to the questions you ask, blogging related stuff

If you take a look at the sidebar you'll see the categories there and if you click on the category, sub categories appear (or tags if you call them that). At the top of those sub categories is a repeat of the category name. Ie: if you click on Creative Homestead right underneath you'll see Creative Homestead again.

If you click that second title name you are taken to the page dedicated to that category. A page with its own sidebar links and resources that are not visible on the front page. I'm big into resources because I want this blog to have useful information, not just personal random thoughts. The pages with the most information are Creative Homestead (soap making links for example) and Homeschool, a veritable treasure trove of websites and book lists.

So you see there's a lot more than first meets the eye if you haven't looked around much.

Blogroll/Internet Reads

Also, I've just added the new sidebar Internet Reads to replace my blog roll. This list is being updated daily (it's a widget linked to my delicious so this is super easy to do) with great posts I've read that I think you all might enjoy.

I'm currently debating whether to enter the twitter fray again, which I'm still standing on the fence about, but until then I like this solution better. Anytime you read a post or visit my blog mainpage you'll see what inspiring finds I've read recently.

How to Find Content

A reader recently commented:

I also loved reading many of your older links. I'd love to backtrack more, but can't find an archive of your posts. (Help?)

In response to that question I'd like to point out the search function at the top right hand corner of the page (any page). If you type in one or two words from the title or from the post (ie: toothpaste) you'll pull up a list of related posts.

Or, you can use the sidebar to find the categories (as discused above) to look for specific posts. Also, all my most helpful (in terms of content) posts are archived in my resources sidebar on the front page, I'm currently working to make those resource pages more reader friendly. Homeschool Help is one that is done and well organized if I do say so myself.

But, I'd like to know from all of you - if you're still reading this - would a monthly archive be helpful? I don't have that because I never use them when I visit other people's blogs. Please do let me know.

Other places on the blog you might want to explore are the updated About & FAQ.  And please, if you ever have a question just contact me. I respond to each e-mail (sometimes it takes a little time but I will respond) and like to help with whatever I am able.

Thanks for reading this boring blah, blah, blah. Stay tuned because I have an spring sweet stuff post coming your way soon. Full of great links for your homemaking/homeschooling/personal growth/creative/community building pleasure!

« Spring morning at the pond
Sweet stuff for Spring »
  • Katrina

    Katrina on April 21, 2010, 2:48 a.m.

    I am one of your new readers although I don't think I've commented yet. Just wanted to say that I'm loving your blog. So much great info! I'm inspired by your way of life.


  • daffodil lane

    daffodil lane on April 21, 2010, 4:36 a.m.

    I agree, not boring at all. Thanks for addressing my question. I can easily see why you have lots of new readers, you are so interesting and completely down to earth. Unlike some other blogs, I can sense you do not exagerate the truth, and that authenticity is beautiful! I think that attracts people who want to check back on you regularly.


  • Eva

    Eva on April 21, 2010, 4:54 a.m.

    I too am one of your newish readers - been reading since mid January - learning so much, but generally lurking! :) Thank you for all of your insights!


  • Candelion

    Candelion on April 21, 2010, 5 a.m.

    I'm an oldie, but I still love it. Thanks for the info. post! I will definitely use this when I need to find something specific.


  • Claudia

    Claudia on April 21, 2010, 11:16 a.m.

    Renee, I have to agree with the other posters here this morning. I am a brand new homeschooler and was drawn to your blog right away. You do have a way of making this adventure feel very accessible and have helped me keep perspective when I start to worry. I've browsed extensively through your archives and find everything very easy to find, and yours has become one of my first blogs I check in the morning. Thank you for taking the time to put together such an amazing resource, and for sharing so much of yourself. For those of us with no local support, it's reassuring to know we aren't alone in our lifestyle choices.


  • elana

    elana on April 21, 2010, 11:16 a.m.

    recently i asked you about hiking with littles. i went on your blog and tried looking at older posts, when your kids were younger (not sure when you started the blog)but couldn't find an archive. i think it will be very helpful to have a monthly archive, i find myself using it quite often.


  • nicola@which name?

    nicola@which name? on April 21, 2010, 6:36 p.m.

    I am really appreciating all the organized changes here. I have an archive on my blog. I have no idea how much people use it, but I use it, so it stays for now. I don't need one on yours! I love blogs with a search function! Nicola ps. looking forward to the sweet stuff.


  • Granola Girl

    Granola Girl on April 21, 2010, 8:02 p.m.

    Do not succumb to the twitter. Life is so much more than 400 or so characters of moment to moment thoughts. If our society gets to the point where people have to text out their thoughts rather than truly being in the moment, we might have to move out to the woods sooner than we thought :)


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