Come camping with us

We love camping. We love meeting people, hanging out with old friends and making new friends. So hey, why don't you join us for a weekend of camping?

You don't even have to shower in the woods. Though you may if you like. Get all the trip details here.

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« In the dog house
Slumdog Millionaire puts me in the dumps »
  • Kate

    Kate on June 6, 2009, 12:41 p.m.

    Sounds like so much fun!!!! A trip from Ohio to NH is not in the budget this year, unfortunately. I've been reading your blog for a month or so and you seem like such a neat family. We're Christian, unschooly, food allergic, outdoorsy types too.


  • kyndale

    kyndale on June 6, 2009, 1:53 p.m.

    Hey maybe someday..We have family on Cape Cod and in Maine. We hope to get out your way as soon as economically feasible.

    Sounds like a ton of fun!


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