Writing, Photography & Blogging

Making things new-ish (and how we built this blog)

Making things new-ish (and how we built this blog)

After a year in the making my new blog is ready to present to the world, my new online home.

A snowy Saturday in February (and the kids are growing up)

A snowy Saturday in February (and the kids are growing up)

Photographing my heart's joy and delight, it's what I do. But as my "delights" grow and move to independence, as they have experiences completely apart from me, in such healthy and beautiful ways, I guess I'll content myself with photographing the morning snow.

Missive from the edge

Missive from the edge

I want to write from the place where ideas and engaged living overlap in my life. Where ideas are lived out and the living gives rise to the ideas.

Doing the next Big Thing

Doing the next Big Thing

What am I aiming for in a career, a vocation, in my work? What is my vision? Quite simply to do the work before me, and live the things I'm called to do.

I couldn't photograph the Supermoon (or, reflections from a weekend trip to Vermont)

I couldn't photograph the Supermoon (or, reflections from a weekend trip to Vermont)

I had forgotten what windblown ice and snow look like on stunted spruce above tree line and that you should pack crampons for hiking 4,000 footers in New England in November.

A glossary of terms

A glossary of terms

It's important for me to define the terms I'm using in this series. When I use the words work, calling, vocation, purpose, I'm not bantering around ambiguous words and I'm not using them interchangeably. I have certain ideas in mind associated with each of these words.

Homeschooling through High School, blog organization, and designing a life

Homeschooling through High School, blog organization, and designing a life

The structure, the design of a thing, is largely unseen but has a lot of power to either support and help achieve your aims or it can do the opposite, frustrate your efforts, cause roadblocks.