Writing, Photography & Blogging

An updated about/now page

An updated about/now page

What am I up to these days? What can you expect on the blog?

The year I find my fire

The year I find my fire

The year I come into my power and purpose through unexpected means.

Explicating core political & spiritual values

Explicating core political & spiritual values

Doing the work of defining and explaining my values, at this particular edge of my life. Values that grew in the living of them. Values that guided my homeschooling, undergird my mothering, my relationships, and my politics.

What is a life if not a collection of days?

What is a life if not a collection of days?

Focused attention and a narrowed scope seems like a prerequisite for achieving noteworthy success.I lack a discrete and narrowed focus of interest and I feel this will prevent me from achieving noteworthy levels of success.

Updating my About page into a Now page

Updating my About page into a Now page

A brief, up-to-date accounting of where I’m at with work, life, and school.

A late in the game feminist critique of the labour of reducing household consumption (& why I shop at Costco)

A late in the game feminist critique of the labour of reducing household consumption (& why I shop at Costco)

Re-evaluating my earlier efforts to reduce household consumption in my homemaking labours.

Can even a blog be resurrected?

Can even a blog be resurrected?

Can I revive a neglected, tiresome, and worn-out routine in my life? I hope so.