Spiritual Discipline & Contemplative Practices

All that sparkles, shines and glows

All that sparkles, shines and glows

Advent is a time of year that beckons me to recognize the principles of a both/and life. A life of contemplation and celebration. A life of busy kids and thoughtful meditations. A life of light and dark.

The most radical spiritual discipline

The most radical spiritual discipline

I have not been disciplined with my spiritual disciplines, and I had been feeling a little bad about that. And the swearing.

Spring confessions, a new liturgy, and discipline

Spring confessions, a new liturgy, and discipline

If inspiration appears to us like a diamond, sparkly and beautiful, then discipline is the high temperature and intense pressure that will actually produce that diamond.

A beginners guide to beginning Zentangle

A beginners guide to beginning Zentangle

I started doodling the beginning of June. I had no idea what I was doing. I have never considered myself an artist, and I've always said, "I can't draw". I'm sure some of you can relate to this.

Knitting at the ocean

Knitting at the ocean

We took a walk today in the woods at Wolfe's Neck Woods State Park in Freeport. After our walk we had a picnic lunch on the rocky Casco Bay shore. What a lovely spot for a lovely day. We visit this park every six months or so. The last time ...

Way out of sync

Way out of sync

I am totally overwhelmed. I'm posting today because I need to take time to write out my "anxiousness" (I always feel better after writing) and so that I can look back on this post in a couple weeks and say "whew, I'm glad I'm not in that space anymore". Self ...