
Utah and The Great Basin ~ We were here

Utah and The Great Basin ~ We were here

I am a small thing, under a big sky. And the only truth that gives me heft, that ties me down in some small importance, is my belonging in an intimate and universal web of relationship.

Practicing a philosophy of life

Practicing a philosophy of life

Homeschooling for me is as much about a commitment to the practice of a philosophy, a way of thinking and approaching life, as it is about providing my kids a certain type of education.

Wrestling with Faith

Wrestling with Faith

It takes energy to wrestle with my faith. It can be an intellectually rigorous process and it can shake the foundations, and I don't always have the cognitive energy or the emotional security to challenge and question authority, both outer and inner.

Missive from the edge

Missive from the edge

I want to write from the place where ideas and engaged living overlap in my life. Where ideas are lived out and the living gives rise to the ideas.

A glossary of terms

A glossary of terms

It's important for me to define the terms I'm using in this series. When I use the words work, calling, vocation, purpose, I'm not bantering around ambiguous words and I'm not using them interchangeably. I have certain ideas in mind associated with each of these words.

Homeschooling through High School, blog organization, and designing a life

Homeschooling through High School, blog organization, and designing a life

The structure, the design of a thing, is largely unseen but has a lot of power to either support and help achieve your aims or it can do the opposite, frustrate your efforts, cause roadblocks.



I thought I would find confidence again by getting reacquainted with myself as a child, tapping into my feisty young adult self. I thought I might have to go back to who I was, to find out who I am now. Or maybe I needed to look forward, to craft ...