February 24, 2010
I had not planned to write about this (I have my posts usually planned days, often weeks in advance) but I feel it is worth taking time to mention. Remember my beautiful friend Spring who recently released a CD? Well I just got word that her family is trying to ...
February 7, 2010
One of my strategies for enjoying the rest of winter and getting more weekly exercise is to go for a walk with the kids 2 days a week. This is working with mixed success. We are getting more exercise and I am definitely feeling better. But the kids don't particularly ...
February 4, 2010
Brienne has a new friend, from her dance class, who has a lovely mother who can knit. We've had some playdates with Brienne's friend and her mother, enjoying a couple winter Friday afternoons together. When we met last week, R. (the friend's mother) gave Brienne a wonderful gift. A merino ...
February 1, 2010
In years past February would kind of sneak up on me. January would be a great month of post holiday cleaning, organization and home making projects and I'd expect February to follow suit. But February never did as I expected. My enthusiasm for what worked in January would wane as ...
January 14, 2010
Last spring the kids and I took a pottery workshop/lesson at a local studio. The photos I took that day resulted in a request from the potter herself for a photo shoot of her pieces, to be featured on her own website. Taking pictures of beautiful pottery is a creatively ...
December 18, 2009
I knew what I wanted this Christmas season to be like. Time at home, time outdoors, time together. Creating, learning, hiking, relaxing and loving.
October 21, 2009
We have a very teeny yard. You can see a couple photos of it here & here. There are no majestic trees that rain down brilliant leaves in fall. Well, there is the neighbor's tree just over the fence but it's leaves fall too little and too late. For real ...