Blueberry picking

Kids berry picking

Blueberry picking just got more expensive. This morning we took our weekly jaunt out to the berry farm to pick blueberries. I've noticed the last couple times we went the kids were more interested in running around and visiting the farm animals than helping me pick - imagine that! I wanted to pick a good amount of berries today so we could eat and freeze some. So to motivate my children I offered to pay them. The first bucket they picked didn't earn money, afterall they are a part of the household. Their buckets by the way are margarine sized plastic containers. After they filled one bucket they would earn .50 for every bucket after that. Or .25 for 1/2 bucket etc... It was a great math opportunity to figure out how much they could make. Well, I was surprised with the results. Laurent earned the most at $1.00, Celine .50 and Brienne .50, the rules were bent slightly for Brienne as she is the youngest. I was so proud of Laurent, he was determined to pick 2 pails and earn $1. Altogether we picked 12 lbs of berries in 1.5 hours.

« A day at the lake
Friday's thoughts »
  • melanie

    melanie on Aug. 24, 2006, 2:49 a.m.

    I am so envious of your blueberry picking adventure......I just love blueberries. I can't imagine them fresh off the tree/bush! We absolutely loved the blueberry syrup you gave us when you were down. In fact, it is all gone! (me=sad)


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