Monthly Archives Dec 2006

Month in photos

Month in photos

Solstice sabbatical

Solstice sabbatical

Well it's not quite the winter solstice yet but I liked the sound of solstice sabbatical. I am taking a small blogging break. Partly because I am immersed in the book Irresistible Revolution by Shane Claiborne . A must read for anyone seeking the kingdom of God while living in ...

In the mood...

In the mood...

for Christmas. Nothing like a new Christmas album to get you all warm & snuggly, reminiscent and contented.

Did I really say that?

Did I really say that?

I recall a conversation I had recently where I told someone the biggest reason we choose to homeschool is that "I really enjoyed being with my children" and I said this in all honesty. Yesterday my thoughts were "Yikes, did I really say that??" I guess that pretty much sums ...