Did I really say that?

Celine cooking lunch I recall a conversation I had recently where I told someone the biggest reason we choose to homeschool is that "I really enjoyed being with my children" and I said this in all honesty. Yesterday my thoughts were "Yikes, did I really say that??" I guess that pretty much sums up my week, until today.

Since becoming a mother I have stumbled across a bit of wisdom - If you can't meet your expectations, lower them. I may have made up this advice but regardless it has served me well. Today is a case in point. I decided last night, after a few tears on the couch with my husband where I basically beat myself up for how inadequate I was as a mother, homeschooler, home decorator and Christmas preparer, I needed a fresh perspective on my life.

That perspective came to me this morning as a gentle inclination to just chuck the chores and take it easy. Amazingly, through the course of the day all the necessary chores got done but with much less stress. But our focus was not this, it was on relaxing together and enjoying the day. So, after a leisurely breakfast we sat down on the couch and crocheted (they are all learning this year) and I actually had patience for Brienne's hot, sticky little hands fumbling with her yarn and hook. Celine and I made lunch. Celine was the executive chef and I was her sous chef. She was mostly in charge but I cut onions and offered a bit of wisdom on modifying the recipe. Somewhat surprisingly the kids loved the vegetable soup. And what is a relaxed afternoon without cookies? Baking was on the afternoon agenda along with a fair chunk of time reading and cuddling on the couch. Celine and Laurent helped string some Christmas lights. Slowly we moved through our day and sure enough all the necessary work got done here and there but mostly I just enjoyed being with my kids - really.

« A book revisited
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  • Ruth Langerud

    Ruth Langerud on Dec. 2, 2006, 11:26 p.m.

    Celine, Your Mommy is doing a good job raising you to be familiar and creative in the kitchen! It will bring you lots of pleasure in baking and cooking for family and friends, so enjoy! I'm impressed!


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