Monthly Archives May 2006

Mother's Month

Mother's Month

The first day of this month, upon finding out that it was May 1st Celine promptly ran upstairs to her wall calendar to see what exciting dates this month had in store. She came running downstairs and announced excitedly that Mother's Day was in May. Well that announcement sent all ...

Checking in

Checking in

Apologizing to all those who regularly check in with my blog to find out what's happening in our lives. I have been too busy enjoying spring and gardening to spend much time on the computer. In addition to gardening I've been tackling some spring cleaning: 3 windows done, only 11 ...

Make hay while the sun shines

Make hay while the sun shines

The modern urban version to this old adage could be "roto till the entire backyard, re-grade and plant grass seed (ie: work your buns off) on the beautiful sunny weekend because the forecast predicts rain for the following week" So, guess what we did this past weekend? A look at ...