A week of winter

Yesterday afternoon I was out walking with my kids as the sun was setting; smoky mauves in an indigo blue sky. It was breathtaking. No camera. It didn't really occur to me to bring it along when we left the house earlier in the afternoon because I'm not so much in the photography state of mind these days. That is my apology for not visually showcasing more of this beautiful winter.

It's definitely winter here. I laugh when I visit all your blogs and see brown and green grass or friend's talk about daffodils blooming - in winter? I've been enjoying Sandy's photos of our Maine snow falls and icy sunrises. This January has been a time of creative gestation. A time for ideas and dreaming and organization to work those dreams into reality. It's been a real inward time and I seem not able to point my lenses outward as much when I'm introspective. Soon I will unveil a bit of where my creative energies have been but this month has definitely been about "behind the scenes" more than "shooting the scenes".

Anyone else experience this ebb and flow in their creative work? That a time for ideas and organization precludes their usual artistic vibe? I'm pretty sure it's a natural part of the seasons of creativity. So I'm going with the flow on this one and learning to enjoy the process.

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winter magic & adventure »
  • Annie

    Annie on Jan. 23, 2010, 2 p.m.

    I definitely feel there is an ebb and flow to creativity and to life. If we didn't have the ebb we probably wouldn't enjoy the flow so much, right?



  • nicola@which name?

    nicola@which name? on Jan. 23, 2010, 5:37 p.m.

    an ebb and flow, yes, but also a strength to different parts of my creativity at different times. i remember distinctly feeling a different pull each month for the first half of last year. february was photography. march was the month of food and creative cooking. april was sewing. and so on. while we don't live in snow country (i recognize i am the daffodil friend!), we have had very odd winter weather. some of our trees turned color very late into the season. we had an extremely cold snap when we DID get snow, we had warm sun, and this week, rain and thunderstorms. (the thunderstorms are also unusual here.) global warming is becoming so very apparent with each passing season. nicola http://whichname.blogspot.com


    • renee

      renee on Jan. 24, 2010, 1:09 p.m.

      You're right, there is a strength to different parts of my creative self through the months and season. I can see that also. We were all sewing like maniacs the months leading to christmas (for gifts and personal needs) but haven't touched the machine since we came back from traveling. I like being aware of this and going with it so I don't wonder "why am I not doing (fill in the blank) this month" and wondering if I've lost some creative groove. My focus simply changes.


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