Super Sweet Farm Day



The kids and I spent time at 4 farms yesterday. We started at Claybrook Farms where Celine was taking horse riding lessons, yesterday's was the last. To honor that occasion we simply had to stop at Nezinscot, farm number 2, on the way home for farm bakery cinnamon buns and cookies.

After a restful lunch at home with time to hang laundry and cut back June's spent perennials we headed to "the farm" (our CSA farm), as we call it. We visited friends, found swallowtail larvae (lovely looking caterpillars) in the parsley patch to grow into butterflies at home. And of course, the main reason for our visit, picked up our lettuce, chard, basil, scallions, spinach and peas.

And then it was over to the strawberry patch at another friend's farm. We started picking there a day earlier with Damien and went back yesterday to see if we could do some serious work to that patch. My three picking machines, also known as the kiddos, wowed and amazed me. I motivated them in the beginning with money but after they each picked a couple quarts they graciously agreed to continue picking for free. Good thing, seeing as in the last 2 days our family has picked 50 pounds of strawberries.

Yesterday was full, as was the day before, of summer activity but it was such a sweet day. Today I wash, freeze and stay home.

I'm a homebody at heart but farms have a way of luring me to enjoy their pleasures. Tidy rows and rows of green, surrounding wooded hills and blue sky. Wild flowers, honest-to-goodness hard work (mostly done by others) and fresh picked food. Oh, and acres for my kids to run, explore, enjoy. This is the good life.

« Lazy (?) Summer Days
Pickin' »
  • Samantha

    Samantha on June 28, 2008, 4:33 a.m.

    Oh my! 50 lbs of strawberries! I am oh so jealous about that, yum, the possibilities. I'm with you on not being able to resist a farm, the idea of playing in the dirt and digging out something delicious is too attractive.


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