Unchurch - what is it

Our family currently belongs to an unchurch. Having rejected labels for so long I'm a little hesitant to assume this one, so I'm currently just trying it on to see how it fits. Our friend and fellow believer defined it quite nicely on his blog and I'll let you read it there. It's what church looks like to us right now.


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  • Rene'e

    Rene'e on Nov. 28, 2008, 8:42 p.m.

    I feel as though I have stumbled into the twightlight zone and this is some alternate universe...

    I was going to email you, but for the life of me, I could not find a link to do that on your blog.

    My name is Rene'e, I home(un)school my 3 kids, I make soaps, sew and make alot of my kids' toys and clothes, I love photography and ...well, by now you are probably filling out the paperwork for a restraining order...(Kidding, hope you aren't)...

    I too, want to be a beach bum mom, but we live 2 hours from the beach and I haven't convinced hubby we need to live there, yet.

    I hope this has not completely weirded you out...I know you may not care, but finding you has inspired me so...(I wasn't per se looking for YOU, I googled myself and you came up.)

    So sorry if I intruded...

    Much Peace. Rene'e


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