Learning in Love ~ Preschool Years

This is an audio recording of a live homeschool teleconference delivered to a small group of homeschooling moms the fall of 2012.

In your heart you know this is a very special time. Everything is new and exciting to your child and their enthusiasm is boundless. (Your energy is not!) Preschool is the beautiful first step on the interest-led homeschooling journey.

But companies want to sell you their curriculum, the neighbor's four year old can read and you're starting to feel the pressure. Let go of that pressure mama, preschool isn't complicated.

This teleconference, delivered in Renee's signature style of honesty, enthusiasm and encouragement, will put your worries at ease and give you confidence as you start your homeschool journey.

Renee shares her heart for the preschool years from the wisdom and experience of thirteen plus years of mothering three children. She will equip you with a preschool curriculum that will not stress you out with its requirements (in fact, it's going to be fun, even for you).

Renee will help you discover a very do-able plan for your preschool years that will build on your strengths and your children's interests.

This 80 minute audio teaching will help you identify and focus on the most important aspects of these critical learning years. You will come away knowing how to build a preschool curriculum to lay the foundation for a lifetime of learning.

A curriculum that is simple, relationship building, and peace-ful home promoting.

You will be encouraged by Renee's passion for life and learning, her passion for family, and especially her passion for helping you - a homeschooling parent.

Listen and download here.

Praise for Learning in Love ~ The Preschool Years

I appreciated it on many levels. Mainly I felt encouraged and validated in choices we have made for our family. It's easy to think something is the right path, but when you don't have the perspective of experience it is easy to second guess yourself. ~ Johanna

My biggest fear about homeschooling, especially with younger children under foot, is that we just don’t have the time to do it. I have a hard time making sure everyone is fed, clean, and healthy let alone teaching them their ABC’s! I was worried that I was going to leave the teleconference with a bigger to-do list and more guilt for not doing more, but instead I came away feeling good about the things that I am capable of doing given our stage in life.

I feel more empowered and more confident in my ability to build a foundation of life-long learning for my children. Renee gave me specific tools that I can use to teach my preschool-age children in a way that is a natural extension of our life. Even in the few days since the teleconference, our days are much smoother, relaxed, and enjoyable while being filled with learning moments. ~ Taryn