September 15, 2008
great grandpa and Laurent</span>
My parents and grandparents have been visiting this weekend. This morning we said goodbye. My parents live relatively close in nearby Nova Scotia (yes it's as gorgeous as everything you've heard about it). My grandparents, the kiddos great-grandparents, live about 2,500 miles away on the other coast. I have no idea when we'll see them again but most certainly not soon enough.
I hate to say it but they're getting old. In my mind they remain the age they were when I was 10, about the age of my parents now. Then I thought 55 was old but of course now I realize how very young they were. Vibrant, full of life and at the top of their game, just like my folks.
My grandfather is losing his mind, I mean that in the nicest and most loving way possible. I love him dearly. My grandmother is as "with it" and fashionably dressed as ever. She's losing the love of her life.
Nothing more to say, except this song. From none other than Nova Scotia's sweethearts, the Rankin family. Excuse me as I bawl my eyes out now.
Fare Thee Well Love Music and lyrics by Jimmy Rankin
Fare thee Well, love Fare thee Well, love Far away, you must go. Take your heart, love Take your heart, love Will we never meet again no more?
Far across, love Far across, love. O'er mountains and country wide Take my heart, love Take my heart, love No one knows the tears I've cried.
So I'll drink today, love, I'll sing to you, love in pauper's glory, my time I'll bide No home or ties, love, A restless rover, if I can't have you by my side.
Oh come back, love Oh come back, love The sun and moon refuse to shine. Since I've gone, love Gone away love this lonely girl has had no peace of mind
So I'll drink today, love, I'll sing to you, love in pauper's glory, my time I'll bide No home or ties, love, A restless rover, if I can't have you by my side.
Fare thee Well, love Fare thee Well, love Far away, you must go. Take your heart, love Take your heart, love Will we never meet again no more?
Hi Renee...
Sorry to hear you are going through this...It's hard to go through it when your living close. But when your far away it makes it even tougher.
renee first of all saw you comment on SS today...not all can be photographers for pay...just to enjoy snapping shots means a lot, your blog is great and I will come back...second ~ so sorry about the grands and greats as my mom used to say (she has been gone 5+ years now)
"getting old is not for sissys!"
As I read your blog I also felt a sadness in my heart as I have observed over the past few days the change in my parents and particular my dad! It has brought me to a realization that the treasure I have in your mom should be respected and loved as God has instructed me. God help us to love and live the way He intended us to live and to treasure each day that we are given. I have been blessed to be able to have my Mom and Dad here and will always love and respect them. This time that we have had together will be tucked away in my heart. The choice of song has just taken on a new dimension for me. Renee you are an inspiration to me with your ability to express with words what comes from your heart. I love you dad
Ah, Dad. There you go. Making me cry. I thought my tears for the week were done. I have so much in my heart to say to you, after spending time together this weekend. Words of thanks, tenderness and "let's be kind and love each other each day as long as God gives us breath". But those words are private and not for the blog. But I do hope, while the memories are still fresh, to sit down this week and write a "love" letter of all I feel. much love, Renee
((hugs)) Much love, a.
Renee . . . so sorry to hear about your grandpa. Try to focus on all the good things. Writing them all down in a letter, will be a precious treasure in and of itself. I'll keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.
How lucky you are for the visit. It is definitely hard to watch people we love age. Happy LT even if it is bittersweet!
Hi Renee I must confess I haven't ventured into your blog since you updated it and your Dad, my big bro, told me about this post. As of yet, I hadn't cried too many tears, but I had myself a good cry as we live it day to day and week to week. Well put. Thank-you! Love ya your 'old' aunt.
Thanks Renee! I love the picture and what you shared from your heart. Many thoughts, memories, and now tears.
Thanks, Renee, for your loving and insightful words and song depicting the life and future of your grandparents, my parents. We live in their world and do see the degridation in Dad especially. We want to just love them and try to make their lives rich and full til the end. I always say to Mom, "I want you to LIVE til you die".
Auntie Orilyn
your words and song about your Grampa and Gramma are precious - they are at their utmost vulnerable time of living. I watch my mom care for my dad, like she did so many years to your dad and the rest of us, and see my dad look to her for his safety and security, realizing that more than love is at work in that relationship.
Gramma has grieved many a day over the loss of the man that always took care of her - but she daily finds the strength that will be found in each of us when we need.
love and care to your family - Ruth (the other aunt)
My reading this on Rememberance/Veteran's Day is kind of like God's perfect timing. I have come to see my dad for who he really is, a veteran of spiritual warfare. My most enduring memory of him as I grew up was seeing him on his knees praying every morning. I look at the condition of his mind and body not with sadness but as a badge of honor; 60 years (he was saved at 17) of battle and warfare have taken their toll. We, and the generations to come, have his faithful obedience and submission to Christ to thank for our freedom today.
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Rich on Sept. 15, 2008, 11:19 a.m.
whoa... Rankins A name I've read a thousand times in all my fantasizing/dreaming of NS but don't think I've ever actually sought their music out. Wow..lovely stuff & thanks for posting. R