Garden Report - Mid June

Summer hasn't even officially begun and I already feel it's half over - what's that all about?? Must be all the time I've already spent in the garden.

Thankfully the first intense part of the vegetable garden work is done. Just in time for the start of berry picking (we'll start with strawberries the end of this month) and beach trip season. The next time consuming garden work will come with harvesting all those tomatoes - yipee, I can't wait! But actually I can, I want to savor summer.

We've had some major delays on planting the raised bed and I won't bore you with all the details. Hopefully we'll fill it late next week and then we'll do a summer planting of broccoli, chard and late summer greens.

I feel I can finally breathe easy for a few days and enjoy watching the garden grow. Oh, and eat the first snap peas of the season! Strawberries are ripening nicely and we'll be eating those in a couple weeks for sure.

Time to weed and clean up the perennial beds. What a wonderful time of year.

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« Loving my neighbors, one bouquet at a time
Happy Birthday Babe »
  • Cori

    Cori on June 19, 2008, 2:56 a.m.

    Gee, I missed out on the soap contest. See what happens when you don't blog for a few days? Life passes you by!! Your garden is amazing. Ours barely sprouted anything - not sure what happened. Len thinks maybe too much cow manure. I think we should have turned on the electric fence!


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous on June 23, 2008, 5:14 p.m.

    HOW FUN TO HAVE garden produce already!! maybe onions from mine but that's about all!! so enjoy it!!


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