Yes... and No

I've been thinking lately about how for everything I've chosen to do there is something I'm choosing not to do. Mostly these are not difficult choices to make but it is hard when saying Yes to a good thing means saying No to an equally good thing.

I'm currently struggling with how to say Yes to more time for relationships without saying No to my home life commitments & priorities. Many of which are very satisfying and rewarding for me, some of which are simply my responsibilities to our family.

I recently said No to conversational English tutoring for a new immigrant to our city but said Yes to a weekly Zumba dance class, which is great fun and great exercise.

I also find myself saying No more often to spontaneous outdoor activity with the kids because I've said Yes to a small amount of structured learning. But even that small amount takes time that last year I wasn't committed to.

Even writing this blog I'm saying No (for now) to the new yarn I bought to say Yes to my desire to write.

And because I over analyze my decision making I find myself hoping & praying I'm saying Yes to the right things, choosing the best for my family and myself.

Maybe I'm thinking too much.

« losing time
Quote of the Day »
  • Spring

    Spring on Jan. 17, 2008, 2:26 p.m.

    How is that Zumba class? I chickened out! :) I am soooo out of practice with dancing, and soooo out of shape, and the pictures of humiliation won out over the pictures of having fun. Lame, but true!


  • renee

    renee on Jan. 24, 2008, 1:51 a.m.


    Zumba is great fun. I love exercising and having fun. The class is over next week but than a new session begins


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