Winter Rudbeckia & Joe Pye

Along the lines of yesterday's post I thought I'd share these photos to contrast my garden in September and February. Spring time is coming, I know it. I feel it in the longer days and the calendar (only a little over one month till spring's official arrival) proves me right. But it will still be many months before I see these beauties again. Sigh...

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« February's garden
  • Jamie

    Jamie on Feb. 18, 2009, 6:26 p.m.

    We live in the bottom of a split level house. The two units are completely seperate from eachother (like an apartment) but we do share a yard, garage and ally. We have some very cool neighbors and together we have transformed last years lawn into a full on garden. Lots of fresh compost from our worm box has made some incredible soil and we're all very excited to watch our new gardens grow. We'll be eating most everything form our backyard!

    Jamie's last blog post... Isla vs. The Photographer


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