When the family's away, the mommy will play

My family went to see WALL-E tonight. Since it was a pay-your-own-way family outing I opted out. I have better things to do with my time and money (we all get a little allowance each week).

Like treat myself to a forbidden fluffy-white-bun toasted veggie Italian from the corner pizza shop (with cheese), followed by a butter crunch ice cream cone, at least that was a child's size serving. And because that wasn't enough I'm finishing with a bottle of beer and a bowl of popcorn shared with the cat, yes he eats popcorn.

I'm munching and drinking right now as I type this. Listening to the thunderstorm outside enjoying my evening of solitary indulgences. If we had a tv that works for more than DVDs, I might of even watched that.

« Food crisis realities
Sunday afternoon at Pineland Farms »

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