Today spring looks like

bikes, a scooter and a yellow ducky helmet. Blue sky and birds chirping. A plan rescheduled because the day was just too plain wonderful to rush home.

Taking off jackets, sweaters and socks. Purple flowers blooming(!) in the lawn. More snow melting and muddy boots.

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« Flower Fairy
Strangers in Our Midst »
  • Just Pure Lovely

    Just Pure Lovely on April 12, 2008, 9:44 p.m.

    The "plan rescheduled becuase the day is too beautiful" is the best part. I love it when children have a mama who knows to stop and grasp beauty while it's there. Then they'll learn to grasp it as well, which will help them cope with the bumps of life, don't you think?


    • renee

      renee on April 13, 2008, 2:44 a.m.

      I guess I hadn't thought of my "spontaneousness" helping them to cope with life but I suppose it will. I hope I'm giving my children the gift of appreciating beauty wherever you are. My constant challenge is living with a routine and being disciplined at getting things accomplished and yet being flexible enough to live in the moment and take advantage of moments, hours and days when things don't according to schedule. It's a balance that in spring & summer definitely leans toward taking advantage of lots of outside learning & changes in plans : )


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