October 10, 2011
One of my favorite phrases from the many books I've read to my children comes from the last paragraph of Charlotte's Web. I've already written about that passage, two years, almost to this very day.
Mr. Zuckerman took fine care of Wilbur all the rest of his days, and the pig was often visited by friends and admirers, for nobody ever forgot the year of his triumph and the miracle of the web. Life in the barn was very good - night and day, winter and summer, spring and fall, dull days and bright days. It was the best place to be, thought Wilbur, this warm delicious cellar, with the garrulous geese, the changing seasons, the heat of the sun, the passage of swallows, the nearness of rats, the sameness of sheep, the love of spiders, the smell of manure and the glory of everything (emphasis mine).
The fact that this (one of many) favorite passages of mine comes to memory during fall does not surprise me. Without a doubt, my blogging, journaling, and photography - these and other things I do to mark the days - are cyclical and very much in tune with the season around me.
I love the familiarity of this rhythm - though time changes and marches forward it also repeats itself. Giving us the chance to make things right the second time around. Or to simply notice and give attention where last time we may have rushed through.
This is the season to bring cardigans, crocheted hats, and bright down jackets out of storage. The time for rummaging around in bins for your favorite red mitts.
These are days of first frost, ice filigree, and a morning fire in the woodstove.
I know we will tire of these woolens and frosty tokens. But for now they play a part in the glory of everything. And we revel in their newness, their warmth (and chill) and their bursts of color.
The glory of everything is a steady and recurring theme in my life, pulsing to the surface especially during the turning of the year. These too-short seasons of spring and fall.
I agree with Caddie Woodlawn (another wonderful children's book and our current read aloud).
At the turning of the year things seemed to stir in her that were lost sight of in the commonplace stretches of winter and summer.
Things are stirring in me to be sure and it's all I can do to not burst with the joy and glory of the season and the beautiful fullness of family life.
Are you paying attention to the glory of everything in your life? Are you taking the time to observe, experience and revel in it?
The ice is gorgeous, as well as all those sweet smiles. Thanks for the book rec. We are reading The Fledgling now (from a previous rec) and are really enjoying it. Keep 'em comin'! :)
oh yes, oh yes, oh yes!!!!!
I hope you had a great thanksgiving. We did here but it was so funny it was so HOT which is really unusual. I had been wanting to put away the shorts and summer stuff (we had already been using hats and mitts and sometimes in the evening on a walk our winter coats) and then it got like summer again! We were wearing shorts and capris and all that this past weekend.
I am enjoying all the fall colours!
Totally hear you! I wrote this post after a cold snap last week, publishing it yesterday - which ironically felt like a summer day. The rain and heat this fall is really messing with the colors here (or something is). The colors are just not very brilliant and I have to look hard for crimson red maples - my favorite fall tree.
I celebrated my first Canadian Thanksgiving this year (since I am in Canada...) and I kept asking around about the story of Thanksgiving. In the US we have the whole Indians saving the Pilgrims thing, but here, no one seemed to know a story. It's simply about being Thankful and celebrating the harvest. I love that.
Yep, no story. Just being thankful for the harvest. We spent Thanksgiving day brunch with friends, one who is library sciences/historian and found out that Canadian Thanksgiving did originate from the church tradition of having a harvest thanksgiving Sunday service. Not sure when in our history it became an official holiday.
I love you blog and have been keeping up with you for around a year or so and i am excited for fall. For us it means wood burning too, and some canning, making christmas presents for family, lots of baking, and playing outside as much as we can before the snow comes.
I am super excited for your soap making later on!! I might be inspired to actually make some instead of dreaming about it!!
Lovely photos. It looked like a very nice thanksgiving. :) cellar visit
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Julie on Oct. 10, 2011, 11:44 p.m.
Thanks, Renee, for the reminder. I really needed that. I have not been paying attention to the glory in everything. I get too busy in trying to figure things out instead of just looking at the beauty all around.
Your coffee is on it's way, btw. I hope you enjoy it! Julie