Summer daze....

dancin' in the sandWell, our rainy month of May is a long forgotten memory. We are basking, baking and melting in the humid 80'sF (approx 30C). Don't get me wrong though I am not complaining... yet. To cool off and enjoy summer the kids and I went to a local beach last week. It was fantastic - our first of many beach days this summer. It's a local hangout, privately owned, really clean and tidy, lovely sand and shallow water for the kids. We'd love to take anyone who comes to visit.

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  • Amanda

    Amanda on June 13, 2005, 11:49 p.m.

    I am happy that you are now sitting in the sun. I am sad to say we are still sitting in the rain here. It is also very humid here like always. They say we should have plus 30 or higher by the end of the week. I am not going to complain this year when it gets so hot!


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