Peace with Fall

I'm making peace with the changing seasons. For lunch yesterday I made farm-grown cream of broccoli & potato soup. The day was coolish and soup just seemed right, not to mention I needed to use up the broccoli. But even broccoli soup couldn't take the sting out of saying goodbye to summer. Afternoons at the beach, peas & tomatoes fresh from the garden, berry picking, outdoor festivals & concerts, visits with family.

I love fall but leaving summer and embracing the new season is always difficult for me. Because I know that after September comes February & March. Well the holiday season comes first but I love that and January isn't so bad as you need that time to recover from Christmas.

The changing weather this time of year messes with me. One day I'm wearing long underwear, the next we're trying to get in the last day at the beach. The gardens are producing so I spend a lot of time preparing, freezing and dehydrating food. But this frenzied activity leaves me melancholy knowing that in a month I won't taste a farm fresh tomato for another 10 months! Ahh, that is way too depressing to think about.

So, part of me holds onto summer and another embraces brilliant blue skies, crisp apples, crunchy leaves, a regular schedule, more time reading with my kids and pots of soup.

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African Stew »
  • Spring

    Spring on Sept. 16, 2007, 11:29 p.m.

    Wow, what GORGEOUS pics! It inspires me to try have more days like that before the dark of winter arrives. I will have to check the weather for the week and make some plans!


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