Mother's Day gifts

I know you're all dying to know exactly what <a href=>kind of card</a> Laurent was making me this week. This morning it was unveiled. A picture made by pounding flowers onto paper and outlining with ink. My kids are amazing.

The sun and its rays from dandelion The ground made from, well, dirt The flower stems from Plantain and the blossoms from Vinca minor and Viola The bird from carrot

I was understandably thrilled. As I was with the handmade pressed flower cards from Celine and Brienne. Do you think my kids know I like flowers??

My desire for Mother's Day was to spend the day doing whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. I wanted to work in my garden, take pictures, maybe blog, without worrying about feeding my family or cleaning the kitchen. Yeesh...sounds kind of selfish. My husband reassures me it's not. And this is exactly the kind of day I've gotten - a wonderful gift from my family. Thanks guys, you're the best.

This is a shot from my backyard of the neighbor's apple tree.

« Dandelion Love
Mother's Day - The Day After »
  • Karen

    Karen on May 12, 2008, 12:13 a.m.

    What a work of art - and personal creative expressions of love from all of your family. I'm so glad they blessed you with a gift of the day as you wished.


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