More strawberries and a summer haiku

We're gone this weekend. Camping on island off the coast of New Brunswick, Canada. Listening to whales, hiking for hours, sitting around the fire, a tent site overlooking the ocean.

Or at least this is what I imagine it will be like as I write this the night before we leave.

I spent the better part of the day in the kitchen and this is the gluten-free Strawberry Muesli I prepared for our first morning. It's versatile for camp or home which why I'm linking to it from here. I dehydrated most of the strawberries from earlier this week for camp/trail food. This works especially well if fruit is past perfect, ie: too mushy to be enjoyed fresh as some of these rain soaked strawberries were.

making strawberry popsicles: photo by Laurent

In between the food I was preparing the kids made strawberry popsicles to put in the freezer; in the anticipation that next week might actually feel like summer. You know sun and warm weather days that require shorts and t-shirts not rain jackets and sweaters.

Speaking of summer or the lack thereof, the kids and I wrote this haiku this week while running errands. Writing poetry while driving is quite fun.

Summer, where art thou?
Sun hiding behind the clouds
Rain, rain go away.

And that folks sums it up. Here's wishing you all a wonderful holiday weekend with popsicle weather. I'm hoping some of that will come our way camping. Being wet at home in the rain is one thing, being wet at camp is another (my husband would say it's an adventure). 

« Strawberry talk and a Fresh Fruit Pie recipe
Thoughts from "being there": Our island weekend »
  • lisa

    lisa on July 6, 2009, 4:14 p.m.

    Geez, still raining? That's not normal for Maine this time of year is it? I'm encouraging the hubby to do some job searching in your beautiful state. Such a beautiful state and it seems to me that most of you are nature lovers! That's my kind of people. Around here it seems to be...who's kid is in more activities or sports, the parent with the most wins!

    I hope the rain holds off for the camping trip! Thanks again for the link love!

    Lisa :)


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