Labor Day Gifts

Yesterday was a wonderful day at home. I spent most of it in the garden, cleaning up perennials and harvesting the beans (post about that to follow soon). This morning's photo prompt at Shutter Sisters was about the gift of photography, "photography is a creative gift where the satisfaction of distilling a single fleeting moment in a picture is reward enough to keep us clicking, creating, learning and growing as photographers, paid or otherwise."

Hum... I couldn't agree more. I was delighted when I finally sat down last night at my computer and looked at the photos of the day and found these gifts - moments of a day at home captured, forever.

September Rudbeckia and Joe PyeSeptember Rudbeckia and Joe Pye</span>

Dolly craftingDolly crafting</span>

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  • Andie

    Andie on Sept. 2, 2008, 9:05 p.m.

    Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. I love both but the one of your daughter sitting in the sunlight making dolls...divine. Home is just the BEST place to be and yours sounds like a dream! a.


  • renee

    renee on Sept. 3, 2008, 8:55 a.m.

    Thanks everyone for your encouraging and kind comments. A., Dolly is my daughter's nickname and she's actually crafting Egyptians - a litter for Pharoah, servants (slaves) and such... My kids just love ancient Egypt.

    And yes I absolutely agree - Home is the BEST place and although mine is often less than dreamy it is still my favorite place with my favorite people.



  • shelli

    shelli on Sept. 3, 2008, 2:43 p.m.

    Renee, Thanks for your kind words on my blog. I would say that rudbeckia photo is just about perfect! And I love the photo of your daughter too. The light is exquisite!

    Your home looks dreamy. I wish I could harvest beans - we've had such a bad drought that I've planted very little, and what I have growing looks pitiful.


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