Going wordless

I'm taking a blogging writing break.

To catch up on some stuff I want to do, like reading and digesting my favorite photography blogs and maybe finishing the book I'm reading. And to work on some other stuff I need to do, like learning how to stick to a set amount of computer hobby time each day and going to bed earlier than 11pm. I can't seem to manage it all (ha, imagine that) so before I stress out I'm stepping back to re-evaluate and re-organize how I spend my time each day.

No fear, I will be photoblogging. I'm too far into this blogging business to step back altogether. My promised third local foods installment while be a photo "essay", you excited yet? I am.

Be well, I'll be reading all your blogs. Leave a comment with a link (you can even use fancy HTML - click Input format beneath the text box of your comment to choose that option) to your blog in case it's not yet in my RSS.

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« Introducing Playful Learning
Favorite blogs of the day »
  • Cindy

    Cindy on Aug. 5, 2008, 2:40 a.m.

    OK, Renee....we'll let you take a break, but will miss your daily blogs. They are an everyday enjoyment for me and I'm sure for others. Be blessed in your time off and we'll be looking forward to when you do hit the keys. Love you! Cindy


  • Craig Burrell

    Craig Burrell on Aug. 6, 2008, 4:09 p.m.

    Taking a break is a good idea. In the meantime, you can look at my blog(s) if you'd like: All Manner of Thing and The Hebdomadal Chesterton. Alas, neither is a photography blog!


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