May 22, 2009
I'm writing this at 10:30 pm on Thursday night. Usually I'm tucked into my bed by now but not tonight. We've just finished packing and although I'm tired I just wanted to sign off here for the weekend.
The day was downright hot, too hot for May in Maine, and the night air is warm and heady with the fragrance of lilac blossoms... my backyard strawberries are full of white flowers, the promise of sweet berries... the peas are sending their little tendrils around their trellis... but all that can wait and will wait because tomorrow we go camping.
The backpacks are ready, the food dehydrated, the trail maps handy and we're ready to go.
Camping light, ie: fitting all our gear in the trunk of our 93 Honda Accord, is a huge part of who we are and what we do. I just don't talk about it much because it's not something that happens everyday (like homeschooling, photography, cooking and crafting). But now that it's summer it will be happening every month. And to think at one time we didn't think camping was going to work for our family.
Enough rambling on about camping. I need to get to bed so we can leave early to make sure we get a National Forest campsite. We also plan to hike our first 4000 footer with the kiddos this weekend. Yikes, I really better get to bed and get my rest.
(Speaking of camping and the outdoors you might enjoy a post I wrote on the interesting treasures found on last weekend's hike.)
Would love to know the essentials that you back. And the dehydrated food?
-Lisa :)
Lisa, sometime I'd love to write about the essentials and dehydrating food but you'd find that information on our family blog, ADVENTUREinPROGRESS. If we do write about it soon over there I'll post a link to it from here.
Basically you can dehydrate most anything - you'd be surprised. We have dehydrator and as long as the food isn't too wet (like watery consistency) or oily it will dehydrate well.
oh, have fun! mike and my brother (they are best friends) are headed out on a guys backpacking trip in the morning for 5 days. i am soooo envious, but know they need the time on their own. have a fabulous trip!
nicola's last blog post... return of art
Have a great time -- I know you will. Your kids are going to have the best memories.
Have a great time -- I know you will. 4me
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steadymom on May 22, 2009, 12:30 p.m.
Sounds great! We're doing the same in a few weeks - our first camping experiment with our three!
steadymom's last blog post... Letting Your Child Save Face