Community Easter

So, we have these friends and they are kind of crazy like us and have a desire to live in closer community with people. But unlike us their desire is for real closer, as in - have a family of 7 move in and take over your kid's bedroom kind of close. God bless 'em. I'm so thankful for friends who are willing to take risks and have enough (God given) grace to "live the dream" so to speak.

Our own hearts have dreamed of community for years. In fact it is what moved us to Maine. Many of you know that didn't work out the way we had expected. But... it did get us to Maine and to a place where we have grown a lot spiritually. Not to mention we simply love Maine and the quality of our life here.

Someday we are hoping to live in stronger & deeper community with others - we don't know what that will look like but we are trying all the time to work towards that. Some simple ways are sharing resources with neighbors and investing in relationships with local friends, farms & community organizations. Hanging out as often as we can with our "crazy" friends and the friends that have moved in with them is one step closer in that direction.

And it was with these friends that we celebrated Easter. All 17 of us, 7 adults and 10 children in a smallish 3 bedroom ranch - full of love, noise, dishes to wash, conversation and homegrown food.

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  • Amanda

    Amanda on March 25, 2008, 2:16 a.m.

    In many ways we long for the same things in life....keep reaching for it and enjoy the journey you go through to get there.Thanks for blogging about it, I love reading what you write.


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