Color for a gray day

We've had some rainy days this week. That combined with having a 24/7 in-house guest makes for days that feel slightly off. Not bad, just not quite normal.

I thought it was going to rain today, but it didn't. So we were able to spend a good amount of time at the farm, playing in the field of wildflowers. I sat and listened to the swish, swish of grasses, the call of birds, the laughter of my children and I felt normal again.

(the day started slow and lazy so I organized my few pieces of jewelry)

The color & light I found today was such an unexpected surprise on a day that I barely felt like getting out of bed.

(a visit to the Maine Glass studio, the same place we went to make these cool tiles.)

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« Photographically speaking
Knitting at the ocean »
  • kyndale

    kyndale on June 12, 2009, 3:12 p.m.

    I love your earing organizer! Your pictures are very nice. The meadow and the stained glass. (Amelia said when I was scrolling down, "those are pretty pictures") Hope you have a great weekend!


  • Kirsten

    Kirsten on June 13, 2009, 3:45 p.m.

    Oooooh I love those wildflower shots! You're right, such a beautiful light in these! Coen loves to go to the glass studio and watch the artisans blow their glass...such a fun outing!

    Kirsten's last blog post... Summer is here!


  • Shawna

    Shawna on June 15, 2009, 1:47 a.m.

    that top photo is my favorite of yours so far. it may not have the color of the others, but the lighting is perfect and, oh, that smile brightens my day. beautiful.


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