church work bee

We were blessed this weekend by our friends coming over to paint our fence and share lunch. Our fellowship group has decided to do some work bee days where we can help each other get work done around our homes, share some of the more mundane aspects of life and lighten the load. It was wonderful.

I felt especially blessed because my primary love language is acts of service. Ie: when people do work for me, accomplish tasks, I feel loved. My husband of course has a different primary love language which makes marriage fun! But that's all besides the point.

While the crew worked and the kids played I cooked a pot of soup and prepared lunch. I'm liking this kind of church, every time we meet I feel we experience a little more of what Damien & I have wanted for a long time. Oh yeah, another thing I really like is drinking wine every time we get together (and not just a thimbleful). 

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« First Day of Fall
The Quiltmaker's Journey »
  • bobm

    bobm on Sept. 26, 2007, 1:40 a.m.

    I like the photo and the caption. When we come together in His name, He is present at table and we are blessed.


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