March 31, 2020
Without our usual out of the house appointments and activities "it feels" like there is more time in our days. Except for a few online gatherings, my calendar is empty, which gives a sense of expansiveness.
October 4, 2019
Mothering changes us. It takes us on a particular life trajectory and it also equips us with certain skills and perspectives our pre-mother selves did not possess. And we bring those with us into every other endeavour we do, including midlife career changes and vocational pursuits.
October 4, 2019
“I didn't have to be the center of my family life anymore and I didn't get to be the center”.
October 3, 2019
What can I learn from the stories of other women's journeys across the threshold of full time mother, homemaker and homeschooler into second half of life careers? What secrets might I glean? What wisdom or insight might I be able to apply to my own life and situation?
September 30, 2019
September was a whirlwind of activity and then for a solid week at the end of the month I stepped out of it all to walk in the woods and climb mountains, in sunshine and rain, with my best friend and life partner.
June 14, 2019
Sharing the Friday Introduction I posted to Instagram today. An update to my current about page here on the blog.
February 14, 2019
Following the trail of curiosity was good for the past season. A season of healing and recovery. It was all I could give. But now I'm ready to actively chart this process. I am thinking about where I want to be in ten years, twenty years, and how I'm going to get there.