April 28, 2021
I have this insatiable desire to know the names of the trees, the plants and the birds. What a delight it would be to spend my days identifying, loving, and nurturing living things.
February 4, 2021
This is where I part ways with my Gaelic ancestral heritage and lean into my Nordic Scandinavian roots. I have zero interest in Spring right now. It's just starting feel like honest-to-goodness winter!
May 18, 2020
Since moving to Montreal spring has been a season of running the gauntlet of theatre productions and driving. I exited every spring emotionally and physically exhausted and depleted. Not this spring.
April 27, 2020
Nova Scotia offered space, fresh air and forest; and unprecedented opportunity to be together as a a family. But Montreal is home and it's time for us to return.
April 21, 2020
I'm not not anxious but I'm starting to feel a growing discomfort and lack of motivation.
June 7, 2019
I feel weary. It's that time of year. It's that time of life. All the school year-end fuss and effort, deadlines and parties, the drama production. A long string of hard-working days, interspersed with "special" days (read: days with more work), punctuated by some bad news days. Ugh.
May 28, 2019
I'm pretty sure I'll look back on these particular Mays, when our kids were teenagers in a homeschool co-op musical theatre production, with nostalgia and fondness. So I do my best to be present for the experience, which is easier said than done.